All bus routes to Lecce (Italy) A B C G M N O P R S T U A Bus Avellino to Lecce Coach from Andria to Lecce B Bus Bari Airport to Lecce Bus Bari to Lecce Buses Bologna to Lecce Coach Brindisi Airport to Lecce Coach from Brindisi to Lecce C Bus to Lecce from Cosenza Catania to Lecce bus G Bus from Gallipoli to Lecce Buses Galatone to Lecce M Bus Maglie to Lecce Buses Milan to Lecce Coach to Lecce from Matera N Bus from Nardò to Lecce Coach from Naples to Lecce O Bus to Lecce from Otranto P Bus to Lecce from Potenza R Bus to Lecce from Rome Fiumicino Airport Rome to Lecce bus S Bus to Lecce from Salerno T Coach from Taranto to Lecce Coaches Tricase to Lecce U Buses Ugento to Lecce