What is the smartest way to travel?
Bus tickets are cheap, trains are comfortable, and flights are quick. This is how it usually goes, but is it always that simple? Flights could be fast, yes, but what about the time you spend at the airport? A high speed train may get you to your destination quicker and fit better your personal schedule. Modern buses also provide a level of comfort and several direct connections that could make them more suitable than a train. Taking a train or a bus to connect to a direct flight, instead of a change over, can save you time and money. Travel smart means comparing all the possible options. Check what schedule best fits your needs.
What are the Top 30 connections in the UK?
Find out which cities are best connected. What modes of transportation are offered? Check the cheapest and fastest alternatives to get around. Especially the east costs in the United States has a dense bus and train network. Longer distances are well-connected by flights to major airports. Check airport buses, which are much cheaper compared to a Taxi or an Uber.
Bristol to London
- Daily trips 308
- Operators 5
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £4
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 54m
- Fastest mode Train
Nottingham to London
- Daily trips 258
- Operators 5
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car
- Cheapest ride £5
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 38m
- Fastest mode Train
Leicester to London
- Daily trips 215
- Operators 5
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car
- Cheapest ride £7
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 8m
- Fastest mode Train
Birmingham to London
- Daily trips 197
- Operators 6
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £6
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 2h 10m
- Fastest mode Bus
Northampton to London
- Daily trips 182
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car
- Cheapest ride £7
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 20m
- Fastest mode Bus
Derby to London
- Daily trips 97
- Operators 5
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car
- Cheapest ride £10
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 39m
- Fastest mode Train
Exeter to London
- Daily trips 95
- Operators 7
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car
- Cheapest ride £12
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 3h 17m
- Fastest mode Train
Glasgow to London
- Daily trips 85
- Operators 5
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £17
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 5h 18m
- Fastest mode Train
Plymouth to London
- Daily trips 67
- Operators 6
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £17
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 3h 41m
- Fastest mode Train
London to Edinburgh
- Daily trips 66
- Operators 14
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £20
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 15m
- Fastest mode Flight
Bristol to Plymouth
- Daily trips 66
- Operators 6
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car
- Cheapest ride £8
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 2h 10m
- Fastest mode Car
London to Newcastle upon Tyne
- Daily trips 62
- Operators 13
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £12
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 3h 51m
- Fastest mode Train
Reading to London
- Daily trips 56
- Operators 7
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car
- Cheapest ride £5
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 0m
- Fastest mode Train
London to Bath
- Daily trips 54
- Operators 10
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £12
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 51m
- Fastest mode Train
Dundee to London
- Daily trips 53
- Operators 5
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £27
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 6h 44m
- Fastest mode Train
Bristol to Newcastle upon Tyne
- Daily trips 40
- Operators 8
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £14
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 5m
- Fastest mode Flight
Middlesbrough to London
- Daily trips 39
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £12
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 4h 21m
- Fastest mode Train
Leeds to Bristol
- Daily trips 36
- Operators 7
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £9
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 3h 50m
- Fastest mode Train
Bristol to Edinburgh
- Daily trips 25
- Operators 3
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £26
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 7h 0m
- Fastest mode Train
Edinburgh to Newcastle upon Tyne
- Daily trips 23
- Operators 9
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £8
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 1h 22m
- Fastest mode Train
London to Aberdeen
- Daily trips 21
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £30
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 10h 17m
- Fastest mode Train
Manchester to Exeter
- Daily trips 19
- Operators 6
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £14
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 4h 20m
- Fastest mode Car
Birmingham to Edinburgh
- Daily trips 17
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Car, Flight
- Cheapest ride £17
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 5h 10m
- Fastest mode Car
Cardiff to Edinburgh
- Daily trips 15
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £23
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 6h 26m
- Fastest mode Train
London to Inverness
- Daily trips 15
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £36
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 9h 44m
- Fastest mode Train
Newcastle upon Tyne to Southampton
- Daily trips 12
- Operators 2
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £26
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 5h 23m
- Fastest mode Train
London to Newquay
- Daily trips 11
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £23
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 7h 4m
- Fastest mode Train
Glasgow to Southampton
- Daily trips 9
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £36
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 6h 49m
- Fastest mode Train
Edinburgh to Southampton
- Daily trips 7
- Operators 4
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £27
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 6h 9m
- Fastest mode Train
Manchester to Aberdeen
- Daily trips 5
- Operators 3
- Avaialable modes Bus, Train, Flight
- Cheapest ride £17
- Cheapest mode Bus
- Fastest ride 6h 8m
- Fastest mode Train
To compare flights, buses, trains or ride shares use our search function, and find the best trips from city to city. Do you want the cheapest options? Discover all buses in the UK.
What are the Top 30 popular international connections?
Compare to find the best bus, flight or train tickets to the most beloved international destination. What are the top connections by available schedules and trips, and which cities are the best connected? Travel by plane to international destinations, continue there using ground mobility, or take cross-border direct services by bus or train.
Travel hacks - How to save money travelling from City to City
Everyone has different preferences and priorities for their travels. What it's yours, time, money or comfort? Are you getting around alone or with your family? Do you travel last minute or plan your trips in advance? Here are some suggestions that will help to travel smarter.
Airlines especially rely heavily on dynamic prices. Booking at short notice will result you in a very high bill. If you can't book early, fast trains can be a better alternative. Booking early also gives you better ticket prices for buses, but here the differences are smaller.
Generally, you will have several airports in your proximity. Check which one of them has a direct or cheap flight to your destination, and then see if you can find a good connection to the airport by train or bus. Avoid changeovers, as they significantly increase your travel time. Comparing different departure airports gives you also access to cheaper airlines, and fast trains often run between larger cities, while buses or ride-share often connect the main stations with smaller towns.
Dropping your car, especially if you travel alone, reduces your carbon footprint by a significative amount. Buses and train provide perfect alternatives, especially at short or mid-distances. You will also save on parking costs at the destination. On trips up to 5 hours, buses and trains will almost always beat flights, including airport time and transfers - and produce just a fraction of CO2.
There is no lack of Taxis or Uber at most airports, but some offer excellent alternative connections by airport buses or trains to the city centres. Costs are just a fraction, and trains are not affected by traffic jams!
But above all, always remember to compare!